Helping the United Way bring help to Long Island neighbors in need.

March 16, 2018: Long Island, NY - Taking care of others in communities where we live is just as important to us as it is to you. That’s why the Petro Home Services team has had a long history of supporting the Long Island United
Way, which benefits 300,000 people on Long Island. Every dollar raised stays on Long Island with over 85% used to support programs and services and your support makes our community a better place to live and work for everyone.
These are just a few of the United Way programs that we have supported over the past few years and continue to help making them a success today:
- Project Warmth - Every winter on Long Island thousands of families and seniors living on fixed incomes struggle heating their homes. Petro’s support of Project Warmth provides heat to someone in need and ensures that parents
do not have to choose between buying food and heating their home. Last year, Project Warmth assisted over 1,100 families. We also provided both Project Warmth and their annual fundraising luncheon with a $10,000 gift.
- Military Personnel - Military personnel risk their lives every day to defend our freedom, national security, and to preserve our way of life. They leave their families behind, overwhelmed by fewer resources and other personal stresses.
When discharged they return home faced with physical, emotional and financial struggles as they transition back into civilian life. United Way Mission United program provides financial assistance, mental health services, housing and job training
to returning veterans and their families.
- Stuff-A-Bus - Our team contributes from bag-pack to school supplies every September for over 1,500 disadvantaged children.
- The Long Island Impact Fund - This program provides financial support to over one hundred agencies on Long Island which provide a myriad of services to children and adults with special needs and opioid addictions, victims of child,
domestic abuse and bullying and children who are hungry or homeless among others.
Thanks to everyone on the Petro team for taking helping the Long Island United Way in giving back to those in our community.